Thursday, December 26, 2013

      Market analysis of louuh a new product
There is a lot of process to lounch new product and search of it. Today i am going to tell u how to make search for to lounch new product.
step no 1.
Select a product witch u want to introduce first u consider that wheater the market have potential for product and also avaluate the market need of that product. Today i am going to introduce a mobile that i want to lounch in the market and check about the that in is necessary for consumer or not.
step 2
After selecting the product the next step is to analyze the market need of such product witch is mobile phone.we conduct search that the market need what type of product and consumer need. Is this product make beneficial for consumer. We must come up with a new and different feature with make you different from you to others. we must need to make low prices of product to make it sucessfull and gaining of consumer equity.
step 3
now we have to divide our market in different segmentation. we divide market in three segment that is lower class, middle class and high class society.In this step we target segment according to their need and wants.
step 4
we have to identify the to witch we are going to target for louch of our product.we targeted such market which have potential and large number of buyer and seller for our product. Also evaluate that the people are intersted to buy your product . This market is enough for your product promotion.
step 5
How will you position your product in market. analyze that the have a need of such product or not.we set such type of feature and quality which make you advantages over others.
step 6
In last you have to search out the market that which type of response toward product of consumer.And also conduct sampling to evaluate the response of customer.You can take people from different area and make interview and question about your product.

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